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Jose Ford

超小型电动汽车雷诺Zoe从2012年到现在都有。 在这篇文章中,你将会找到雷诺Zoe的保险丝盒图。 雷诺Zoe 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018和2019年 ,获得有关汽车内部保险丝面板位置的信息,并了解每个保险丝的分配情况(保险丝布局)。

保险丝布局雷诺Zoe 2013-2019.

雷诺Zoe的点烟器(电源插座)保险丝 是仪表板保险丝盒中的6号保险丝。


左侧驾驶的车辆。 保险丝盒位于方向盘左侧的盖子后面。

右手驾驶的车辆。 它位于手套箱的盖子后面。


1 刹车灯
2 喇叭
3 仪表板
4 自动门锁
5 方向指示灯
6 点烟器
7 挡风玻璃清洗器
8 电台
9 后挡风玻璃刮水器
10 前面的天花板灯和行李箱灯
11 步行者喇叭
12 制动开关
13 驾驶员车窗通风装置
14 可加热的门镜

I am Jose Ford, and I help people find fuse boxes in their cars. I know where they are, what they look like, and how to get to them. I'm a professional at this task, and I take pride in my work.When someone is having trouble with their car, it's often because something isn't working right with the fuse box. That's where I come in - I help people troubleshoot the problem and find a solution. I've been doing this for years, and I'm very good at it.